Our Story

Our Story
In 2013 our family moved back to the USA after 5 years in East Africa serving with a non-profit. This is where we adopted our daughter. We ended up buying a home in Florida with massive oak trees in the front yard. To give my daughter and her friends something to do we made a couple tree swings and hung them from the branches. They were at least 30 feet off the ground. We wood burned the continent of Africa into one swing and burned a cat into the other. This would serve to remind her of Tanzania and her cat "Mr. Jones."
Fast forward a few years down the road and we adopted our twin boys, moved into a different house and the boys outgrew their baby swings. In 2020 COVID hit so we decided to take our time and make the best swings we could make. This led us to starting Southern Pine Swing Company.
We source the best wood we can find, rout every edge/hole and sand it smooth. We then wood burn our logo right on top. The pine swing is then stained with our custom mix that we used on the floors of our family home in Western North Carolina. The cypress is left natural. After that they both get three coats of a high quality polyurethane that protects against rain and UV. Then we take high quality 5/8 inch ProManila rope through the seat and hand splice it on the way back up to give it that classic look. ProManila is the best rope on the market for a long lasting rope swing. Our kids and friends are in love with our yard and we think these swings have a lot to do with it! We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!